Email opt-in Webpage Widget

Some of you, our clients, have asked us to provide you with a website widget using which, your customers can opt-in to receive emails from you. We are happy to say it's now available for your use.
This feature is on our compliance pages along with other web signup pages, help pages and other carrier-compliance-required pages. You, our client, simply need to copy the code from that page and put it on your web page anywhere you want the link to appear. The link will read, "Sign up for <Client Name>, <keyword> email service." When your customer clicks that link a new popup opens with a signup form. They simply enter their email address and click "Submit Email Address" and a confirmation email containing a code is sent to that address. That code must then be entered back into the web page by the customer for security. That's it. Now your customer is opted-in to receive emails from you for that keyword.
As always, if you have any questions about this "Email opt-in Webpage Widget" function just email us at or call 888.818.1808 x2.  (Of course, you can text your message to our main number, 818.222.8600.)