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NOTE: If you have been redirected to the new login portal when attempting to access AlertDispatcher Pro™ , AlertManager™, FileUploader™ or MessageReports™ it is because we have retired all of those individual login pages for security reasons. All logins will now occur through the customer portal. You have been redirected there already but you should also bookmark for future use.
Use the same credentials on the customer portal that you used previously and you will have immediate access to all of the apps to which you have been given permission. Note also that once you are in one app you can use the "Other Apps" button in the navigation bar to access any of those other apps.
Enter your email address in the User ID field and click the "Password Reset" button that appears in the Password field. A new password will be sent to the email address you are using as your ID. After entering your ID and password for the first time you will be REQUIRED to register and authenticate a unique mobile number for this ID. Numbers can only be used to authenticate a single ID for security purposes.
Important notes:
- Only credentials in the form of an email address can be used to login to the portal.
- If you have not received any of the many notifications we sent via email, newsletter and text and as a result cannot login, please request new credentials here.
- A new, complex password will be assigned to you during the registration process. You cannot choose your own password for security reasons.
- Two-factor authentication is mandatory. There is a "remember this browser" function that you can enable on the login page that will bypass two-factor authentication for seven days.
The functions that made TextPower's original portal so critical have gradually been getting replaced by various purpose-built apps. The original portal was, at one time, the place where you would upload files, download reports, send messages and much more. Now we use FileUploader™, MessageReports™ and AlertManager™, respectively, to perform all of those functions. These apps are more powerful, faster and flexible than their original counterparts.
As we created more of these powerful apps, however, end users had to log into more and more places. That's inconvenient. And where there are multiple logins there can be multiple security risks. We wanted to reduce the security risks while making it easier for our customers so we are introducing TextPower's new Login Portal. All users are welcome to begin using this portal effective immediately. When you go to the Login Portal at you will be presented with a simple, straightforward page that requests your user ID and password:
After entering the User ID that was been provided to you (your email address), you will be required to use the Reset Password function, which is the gray button to the right of the Password field. A new password will be sent to the email address you are using as your ID. After entering your ID and password for the first time you will be REQUIRED to register and authenticate a unique mobile number for this ID. Numbers can only be used to authenticate a single ID for security purposes.
When you receive your new password you will then be required to authenticate your ID with two-factor authentication. This two-factor authentication (2FA) process is fully explained in THIS FAQ - the screen you see will look like this:
After successfully authentication you'll see the TextPower "App Selector." It will look like this, but only the apps to which you have been granted permission will appear. If you have only been granted permission to use FileUploader™ and AlertManager™, for example, the AlertManager™ and AlertDispatcher Pro™ apps will not appear. The "Admin Portal" button will only appear in limited circumstances and requires special permission from TextPower admins.
When you click any of the "Continue" buttons below the app icons and descriptions you will be taken immediately into that app. If you have more than one campaign or keyword you will be presented with another screen and a drop-down menu from which you can choose which campaign or keyword you will use for that session you're about to launch. If you have only one campaign and keyword (the most common scenario) you will be taken directly into the app without having to do anything else. No other credentials need be entered and no choices will have to be made. This will minimize, if not completely eliminate the possibility of choosing the wrong campaign or keyword for the new session.
If you need to switch from one app to another there is a link in every app at the bottom of the navigation bar labeled "Other Apps" that will take you to any other app you have permission to use.
The new portal is simple. It reduces mistakes while making things more convenient. And it's more secure because there are fewer places to login. We hope you like it and welcome your comments.